
Jeez, bury the lede much? Not one mention of Paul discussing the time he and John beat off together? I respect your restraint in the clickbait era, but come on.

While I agree for the most part, it is pretty weird how orange Trump is.

Agree, the “I don’t have any politics” thing is super frustrating because it’s a byproduct of privilege. You probably don’t have to worry about politics if you are a straight wealthy white male. But if you have to worry about your family being deported, or about not being able to get the medical services you need

this is an astoundingly stupid post.

I could never be racist, ageist, or sexist, since I hate everyone equally.

Speaking as a middle-aged straight white dude, hey! Can everybody please stop listening to us? Because we are, largely, a bunch of clueless asshole who are so used to people acting like they’re listening to us that we think we actually know something. You’re essentially enabling our behavior at this point!

I get the sense that rejecting the idea of “handlers” is kind of a big part of Norm’s worldview/appeal.

The fact that it somehow comes off worse in the actual interview than in the summary here is astonishing in itself. I just had to stare at that answer for a while as my brain tried to process it. I can’t even imagine how the interviewer reacted after that answer was dropped on him, but he sure as hell seems to start

Yeah the victims did not have to go through remaining famous millionaires that had their shows cancelled... That's often something victims don't get to do.


Think you might have missed the sarcasm there, buddy.

Jeez. Ever since I found out Olivia Munn was a feminist who lives out her principals, it’s been really hard for me to objectify her. Not even all those hot cosplay pictures of her floating on the ether, help.

I like Judy Greer.

There is nothing that is not improved by adding a monkey with a gun.

As well as Bob and Helen arguing about which exit to take.

My favorite in-flight movie experiences were early mornings where it was 90% businesspeople, watching hundreds of grown men try not to cry at the end of Big Fish and Friday Night Lights.

can I add two more reasons why this is the best superhero movies? The production design (flawless mid-century modern meets Ken Adams Bond) and the music. God I love the music - just a perfect groove on 60's Bond with a bit of Bernstien that swings like Basie. Too bad none of the Marvel movies have music as memorable.

My favorite bits in the Incredibles are still when they have regular family comedy in a superhero setting, like on the highway chase to Syndrome’s machines “We’ll get there when we get there!”

The Frozone dialog before the final battle is just awesome

So 2004 was really the takeoff point for superhero movies, huh? This is the first column where it seems like there was almost too many movies to write about, rather than twisting and contorting various movies into “well it’s from a comic book, so I guess it’s superhero adjacent?”.