
Plus it’s got one of the hardest beats ever.

RBCF wowed me with ‘French Press”, hope this album succeeds as well.

Do you not see the abuse here? This guy manipulated her in horrific ways, that’s a lot worse that being “a shitty person in a relationship”.

Definitely one of the worst things I’ve read when it comes to accusations. This Hardwick guy should never be given the time of day, much less money for basically pandering to dorks.

You’ve gone too far now, motherfuckers

Steve’s death in Wonder Woman was the first time a superhero movie made me cry.

“You bitches can’t do nothin but fuck, so you better work out a way to-”

This and Truck Turner are the best blaxploitation flicks.

Something pointless.

I was never big on Cudi but he has some great moments here, along with his usual tuneless crooning and meh lyrics.

I can name a few better... but they’re all from Kanye songs!

On the queue!

You’re only succeeding in making my hopes even higher!

I’ll never see any of these films (other than Audition). I’m a horror fan, but these excursions in pointless “ultra-violence” are lazy, cinematically unfulfilling, and pathetic attempts to garner controversy and edge.


Your terror gives me pleasure, because that means it’ll be good!

This is really sad and shocking. Completely unexpected. Seems like we’re in an epidemic of suicides, celebrity and non-celebs alike.

I’ll second that. The lead guy is pretty great though.

One of the only recent movies that has matched the hype/scare ratio has been The Witch.

The really great horror movies usually upset the viewer, so I don’t see that as a bad thing nessecarily.