
Excuse me, but no mention of Total Recall? And hell, i’d put Source Code on there with Moon.

Putting aside the moronic pandering to alt-right imbeciles, this guy is an annoying critic. But it seems like I repeat myself.

He was played constantly but I never got tired of hearing his hits. That’s great songwriting.

Fuck, man. I wasn’t even that huge a fan, I just loved the hit singles. But those singles were so great and ubiquitous that you assumed that he’d always be around to play them. Too young for a legend like him. Horrible day.

I loved the episode of The Odd Couple that he guest starred in.

I’m not reading any reviews for this, but from headlines alone it sounds like a masterpiece. It may be hard to live up to the original, but my hopes are officially up.


Everything else went to shit when he left us.

RIP to a true legend.

I find Taylor Kitschy!

Is he called Baked Alaska because he should be set on fire?

I never thought they’d make a sequel, but I liked the original, so fine with me!

No shit. You’d have to be as dumb as Trump to think that Twitter would actually ban him.

Pretty impressive how he managed to be a piece of shit even in death!

Also lame.


I don’t know, movies where someone with a superior weapon but decides not to use it to make a fight “fair” is annoying.

Probably one of those fake goths that listen to Bring Me The Horizon and Fall Out Boy. She deserved her fate!

At least he realized the error of his ways and changed. Most people don’t have that ability.

Watching his you could tell he was trying to hold back a furious string of f-bombs towards Kilmeade.