
She’s just getting the same “shaming” we Black female Obama supporters got in ‘08. How many times did we hear “how can you choose your race over your gender!?” from Hillary supporters? You step in to the fire as a surrogate, you get burned. It’s part of the deal. She’s got a few movies coming out this year. I think

Some of us with darker complexions prefer to keep out arms covered while working out outside. The sun beating down on skin that efficiently absorbs heat is not a fun time. Though, I will admit that I’d probably wear a white or light colored top rather than a black one.

You can throw a maxi skirt on with body suit and commence any leisurely activity you like. This ain’t algebra.

Of course he finds the course boring: it’s trying to convince him women are people.

Oh, but I love him!

I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, Mr. Pratt.

Congrats on your successful surgery! My LASIK is 15 years old and my vision is still 20/20. I can say the most nerve-wracking part of the procedure was trying to maintain my eyes fixed on that green dot. I was so scared that if I moved I’d get lobotomized. But all in all, it was a painless procedure. And worth every

Yeah, but she was always hot and in a ton of movies while he was an unknown/unemployed. It’s usually the guy that strays once he gets a little fame (read: random women breaking their necks to sleep with him). I’m rooting for them too, but if he keeps hanging with party boys like Evans, the odds aren’t that great. IMHO.

Sounds about right. There was a YouTube video where this chick made mascara from Oreos. Because putting sugar in your eye is a good idea.

As a makeup artist, I heard this all the time. “Are there any chemicals in that mascara?” Yes. They are the reason you can cry on your wedding day and not look like a raccoon.

Oh, Calibama!

Lemonade is this horrible chain in LA where all the food is cold and everyone acts like that’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I’m pretty sure Malia and Sasha are well aware of their dad’s lack of coolness.

I love beef tongue! My parents actually tricked me into eating it. They smothered it on ketchup, put it on a bun, and said it was a Manwich (something I begged for but my parents refused to buy). I didn’t realize it was an actual cow’s tongue until college, when I came across it in the meat department.

Columbiana was THE SHIT!

There a moment in “Spy” where she does the “sexy strut” (you know, when the woman gets a glam makeover and walks in slo-mo across a room) and it made me realize how I’ve rarely seen a fat woman presented as someone we are supposed to desire without it being turned into a joke or followed up by a pratfall. But she’s

I can think of a few dudes who could be considered “box office poison”. Dudes who had a lot of potential based on the success of an early film, but seem to flounder in later project. Taylor Kitch (John Carter), Armie Hammer (Lone Ranger), even Chris Hemsworth has had lackluster box office tallies outside the MCU.

Fame sounds fun.

I honestly didn’t realize there were that many of them.