
Maybe y’all can help me with an organization issue? My entire client list is in a spreadsheet (excel). I currently use a paper spiral notebook to keep track of my client leads. At the top of each page is today’s date. I write the clients i need to call for the day on the page. If I reach a client, I highlight their

Hmm... YogaWorks or CorePower?

Westies > Samoyeds.

I love their “occupations”.


Fame sounds fun.

Damn near every 18-19yo I know should be thankful this album debuted 20 years ago.


I played some of her album for a friend of mine while we were driving to Vegas, and she said Day was trying to imitate Amy Winehouse. That bitch almost got left in Barstow.

It’s amazing how different people with different bodies and different fitness goals have differing opinions on what type of fitness gear serves them best, isn’t it?

She’s thinking of a TV housewife, not a real one. And I think that’s the problem: what we (those of us under 40-45) know of housewives in the 50s is shaped by what we saw on TV. I Love Lucy. Bewitched. Grease. Mad Men. That’s whole “housework in a cute dress” thing is a fantasy. Of course the women wore dresses while

No, I’m saying there IS guilt attached to being a stay at home mom. Some SAHMs feel guilty because chose families over their career. They think they are betraying feminism. You can google tons of articles that talk about this guilt, it’s not a new conversation.

No it doesn’t. In fact, the right bodysuit can eliminate drag and spare you from having to shave your legs/arms before every swim. Long sleeved body suits are awesome to swim in, even in a lap pool.

As someone who works out for 60-90 minutes every day... a lot! I sweat like a stuck pig during/after a workout, so I prefer to have 6 sets of everything (and double the number of sports bras).

Saying you’d punish the provider isn’t better, Drumpf! PEOPLE ARE ALREADY TARGETING ABORTION PROVIDERS! Dr Tiller, the PP bombing in CO...

You ever get the feeling these women want a return to the 1950s? Like, in some twisted way they think they won’t have to work, cam be SAHMs guilt-free, and letting a man be the head of the household a la Betty Draper is appealing to them?

As well you should. What a fucked up thing to say to someone.

If she took any form of sex ed in school, at the very least she’s seen an artists rendering of a white penis.

Do you think that clingy-ness was in response to not having control over the relationship? I had a former “hook up” who admitted as much to me. He said since he was the guy he was supposed to do the leaving. I was supposed to be the one calling him all the time and acting jealous and insecure. He said then when I

Do I need to feel connected to enjoy sex?