
Pro tip: when you “start a conversation” that conversation should a) be facilitated and b) not include quacks.

Isn’t that Johnathan Groff and, if so, I thought he was gay?

Dude. You had a kid when you were super old. It probably wasn’t vaccines.

Word. I don’t want to pay $80+ for an unlined dress or pair of pants.

There are tons of other people depending on the shows airdate. Sponsors are one of them. The network has already sold the commercial air time during that episode based upon the eps length. To switch shows around take tremendous effort on the part of the network and could cost them revenue. That’s their motivation: to

**Crosses Georgia/Atlanta of the relocation list.**

Also, I’m sick of these people saying prayer isn’t allowed in school. GROUP LEAD prayer isn’t allowed in PUBLIC schools. NOTHING is stopping your brats from praying silently to themselves at any time during the school day. Nothing.

Yeah. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every day is nothing like chanting “om” in unison with your fellow students, praying quietly bears no resemblance to meditation, wearing a cross around your neck doesn’t resemble carrying around a talisman, nor does saying “God bless you” or “Merry Christmas” akin to saying

Opting out of choosing to take your husband’s last name isn’t about not being defined by a man’s name, but about doing whateverthefuck you want to do because you are an adult who can make your own decisions about your own damned name.

First of all, I doubt I’d marry a man who’d insist on me taking his name. Secondly, it seems like a HUGE pain in the ass. Third, I’m not having kids so it doesn’t matter if I take his name. Fourth, I’m 40+ and I don’t want to. I find other people are more uncomfortable with the idea of me not taking my

Well, if the kids from the ghetto are allowed to walk around nicer neighborhoods unaccosted, they might start thinking they are actual people with some worth. Can’t have that, now can we?

Having had to hire caregivers to care for a dying relative, I can see how this is an easy yet careless mistake to make. Many people don’t realize when they hire caregivers (or personal assistants, or live-in housekeepers) they may also have to follow the same regulations a corporation does, like paying overtime and

I, for one, am SHOCKED! people will find illegal ways to make a fuckton more money than they would working a 9-5! Shocked, I tell you.

It’s the Halloween version of racism.

Hmm... I wonder why people think that...

His lack of rhythm is adorable.


To quote one NextDoor Denizen, “why should I spend my hard-earned money to give candy to people who are probably already on welfare?!"

I’ve seen too many dogs get mauled by other dogs at the off-leash dog park to NOT be wary of a strange unleashed dog approaching me.

My neighborhood, a predominately Black middle-class area, has a Christmas lights contest every year. People come from all over to look at the lights. Well, last year, a group of gentrifiers wanted to ask the sheriff to establish “check points” to make sure people driving through to look at the lights weren’t would-be