
“But if [period piece film/tv show] had Black people on it, it wouldn’t be historically accurate/they be slaves or servants!” - Racists

When your city's median home price is $700k, Texas looks mighty appealing. On paper.

**scratches Texas off the Where to Relocate list**

The article touches on a core problem with these mega churches: outside auditors who are also corrupt and/or highly inept. It’s less like a rubber stamp and more like a “take this sizeable donation and go away".

This is the point most people miss about this struggle. We don’t hate the police. We are scared shitless of them. And, we are scared to hope. I know I didn’t really believe Obama would get elected until election night. Because I didn’t want to hope and have that hope snatched from me. That’s what happens when we

Who the fuck is Fubu?

It is! God, I hope it’s good. I mean, Marvel is very aware of why they have to get it right. If it’s bad or it tanks, Hollywood will go “see, we told you Black movies don’t sell!”

This. Hollywood is and incredibly insular circlejerk, to a degree you can’t even imagine. It’s as close to a cult as you can get without actually being one.

To his credit, Boseman did say something to that affect:

If they had real jobs like that then they wouldn’t have time for hijinks!

I, too, was so ridiculously bored that I saw this piece of shit movie. Trust, you don’t have to live in NYC to laugh out loud at that apartment scene. Not only was the place ridiculously expensive, deliberately quirky: it magically gets filled with finds that are supposed to convey “flea market” and “vintage” but

Hollywood throws good money at huge projects/gambles like this, then claim that producing smaller projects that have diverse characters telling diverse stories is “too risky”.

Funny, my grandmother’s white employer said the same thing about the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s.

I read elsewhere a passenger said they were clapping because the kid was leaving (apparently one kid on a plane of 200+ people is completely unbearable for some) not because the kid delayed the flight. Which isn't a better reason, imho.

I'm glad I've never bought anything from them, and I'm glad they've given me a reason to continue that trend.

Oh look, the R Kelly of The UK.

Good. Now I'll know which comments sections to avoid.

“Viral-ness” is a weird combo of the deliberate and the arbitrary. Most people can smell corporate phoniness from a mile away. Viral-ness is extremely hard to force but companies are always trying. I do social media consulting for small businesses and if another company asks me to “make [a tweet/video/meme] go viral”

I’m really curious what Mr Carson thinks is the definitive “Black Experience”? Is it more “Boyz in ‘da Hood” or more “Love Jones”? Is it like “Good Times” or “The Jeffersons?” Which one of these experiences wholly encapsulates every aspect of being a Black American?

Yup. There are already people out there saying “Hamilton”s casting is a form of “White Genocide”. They’ll never get it because they don’t want to.