
It reminds me of Samurai Jack. Not sure where you are getting the lack of momentum or energy from. I get he is kinda expressionless, but he’s doing a lot to save Baby Yoda.

To be honest, I canceled my subscription at the end of Season 7, because I’ve seen enough Star Trek: Voyager to know what lowest common denominator television looks like. And with Game of Thrones, the end of Season 7 was like ending a season exactly two seconds into a car wreck, when the story is supposed to be about

And Jaime ditching Brienne.

Exactly! If Rhaegal and Missandei had been killed during the battle, it would have made more sense and given Dany immediate justification to torch KL, since she would have been temporarily insane with grief. But nooooo...

I thought he spat it out due to the kids' reactions to his eating it.

So cool!

Except most Millenials are no longer teens.

Because few if any politicians actually give a rat’s ass about the environment.

I guess it’s a good thing we like to have our conflicts in the desert ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

The biggest weakness I know of with Laser weapons is who shoots them. I believe most are like this guy

And decent weather?

Exactly what Iwas thinking. Artilery and naval guns are often used against targets well outside of visual range. Not to mention accuracy issues at extreamly long distances, a microscopic movement at the lasers source equates to an asolutely huge movement even 20KM away.

I think they might be a little disappointed if they only make a billion dollars.

That’s a very strong bet, since Disney has massively increased their ownership of Hulu (and I believe starting to package it with Disney+ and ESPN). You’ll most likely find a lot of the 20th Century Fox (and Fox Searchlight, etc.) filmography there eventually. 

So Weird? Holy crap, So Weird is on the list? I barely remember that show — I think it was about a rock star and her daughter traveling around the country and the daughter was also a paranormal investigator and saw ghosts and shit. But I know it was scary as fuck when I was a kid and I’m totally going to watch it

If I had to guess they’ll use Hulu or other licensing agreements for those films. 

Wrong. It’s to clarify what exactly is ‘Federal Water’ and would be automatically regulated by the Federal Government and not the states themselves. The Clean Water Act isn’t the only protections for groundwater. Every state has rules and regulations and the WOTUS only added an extra layer of regulation and another

The party of small government, y’all! States rights!

fail within a few years

I call BS on the operating costs of the Alfa. There is no way that thing isn’t spending half the year in the shop. It’s fuel costs are likely half of whats being used.