

$100 says she is an Instagram influencer.

I don’t know if Gaetz knows this or even cares but raising a Cuban in Florida is not the same as raising a black man anywhere else in America.

Yeah, even if Gaetz adopted orphaned Hispanic, Black and Asian infant boys, raised them the last 18 years, posted pictures of them daily and introduced them as his sons to everyone he met, Gaetz would still be in the wrong here. His whole thing didn’t make any sense and we’d be talking about that except claiming his

Ill tell you and anyone, everyone that in Florida, Cubans pass, vote and act as white. 

I agree that he doesn’t really sound like Gaetz’s son, but let’s also think about the bizarre logic at play here. A Democrat accused Gaetz of not trying to protect people of color because he doesn’t have non-white children. Gaetz’s reply? “I have a non-white child, and I still don’t care about protecting people of

What? BP should just go on, business as usual so some people can hold on to their job?


Thoughts and Prayers

Well, BP, you have had DECADES to prepare for this moment- instead you did your best to repress it and now you are getting what you deserve.

Right? The article should’ve been titled “Tesla is a hypocritical dick employer”, which is both accurate and truth in reporting. This article was even more axe-grindy than we usually see on Earther.

Thanks for taking the one company to task that’s actually making great strides in sustainability.

“But no matter how green the products a company like Tesla produces, for workers, these kinds of labor practices are unsustainable.”

Hopefully not many people actually slogged through the ensuing nine paragraphs to realize the article actually ended after the second one.

headline: tesla is lying about sustainability

And how does any of this nonsense relate to ENVIRONMENTAL sustainability. Hijacking the traditional sense of the word is weak sauce my friend.

My point was that individual transportation was not enough so we should focus on the other stuff. Your point was that individual transportation was not enough so we should fix that. The takeaway is we’re all screwed.

Amaya not aging really bothered me.

I can’t think of anything that Amazon, Microsoft, or Apple is the only supplier of. All have competitors or alternatives. Do they possibly do things that go against antitrust law? Sure. Is that the same as a monopoly? Of course not unless you want to really water down the term.

This isn’t just a “climate emergency” kit. This is a every emergency kit. Emergency preparedness agencies would call it a 72-hour emergency kit.

Make one. Emergency services will ignore you for 72 hours in a major incident.

It doesn’t matter if it’s an extended power outage, police action, fire, ice storm, or other