Return Of Samus

Ahhh Patrick! You've defected into enemy hands! Why am I on the enemy's site? Eh ignore that!

I was going to go look for these comics to show Kotaku's ignorance. Thank you for doing so.

Leave it to Kotaku to not do any research.

Wait, how are you -not- buying it?

Nothing stokes enmity like a longstanding friendship that left one friend standing on top of the world—and the other with fart powers.

Wario is what so many of us have been at various points in our lives—the guy or gal who stood by the cool kid, supported his/her

Great. Now I have to pop in my soundtrack again.

Gawker has an interesting relationship with Reddit in that it constantly criticises it for being full of sexist, misogynist neckbeards, but also used it as the source for about 60% of its stories, including just about everything on Sploid and usually most of the Top 3 on the sidebar.

Hi, I dunno how much you know about this stuff so let me try and explain:

Not everyone has a big happy family and sometimes the people you meet online and spend some much time with even if its just in a vitrual world and youve never seen them face to face you consider as your family

i never got into LoL, but i like these

Do us a favor and dismiss Fried Huggababy's replies. Thanks.

When you wrote that you were wrong, you linked to the more moderate story and should have linked to your initial story: "Is the UVA Rape Story a Hoax?" Asks Gigantic Idiot. That story is found here (…).

They were probably taking time to carefully vet the interviews and make sure whatever they published was accurate. You know - what journalistic publications are SUPPOSED to do.

"This story also viscerally shows the difficulties and dangers of magazine features, where one character stands in for a broader issue."

You didn't just defend the story, you attacked anyone who tried to give it a critical reading (you called them "idiots" for asking reasonable questions). In fact, you are still trying to smear and discredit Richard Bradley by bringing up his past and name change. Anna, this incident not only proved you wrong, it

All I have heard since this story fell apart is how bad this is for real rape victims. And it is. But not one of these sites, Jezebel, Buzzfeed, Gawker, etc, not one has acknowledged that the men of Phi Kappa Psi were also victims here. It's becoming increasingly apparent that not only was Jackie not raped at Phi Psi,

UVA feminists threw cinder blocks through windows. Anyone who asked questions was called a rape apologist or worse. Where are the apologies?

>>> This is really, really bad.

Several of us called this story in to question for the very concern that if you mandate blindly accepting every story without any proof, you will ultimately damage the credibility of the truthful stories of assault. We were summarily called MRAs, rapists, idiots, assholes, and told us to fuck off just for asking

Yeah, Jezebel is often "dead fucking wrong," and abusive to folks who pose reasonable questions about your content. Maybe stop being abusive?