I only wish that Overwatch supported cross-platform play(console vs PC).
I only wish that Overwatch supported cross-platform play(console vs PC).
How about “because increasing representational diversity in fictional universes such as comics and video games is not a meaningful way to create actually meaningful social justice in the real world and the obsessive focus on same distracts us from the interests of actually-existing humans from marginalized…
Actually, I’m kind of stunned that Nintendo took THIS long to fire her. Kotaku conveniently left out that Allison Rapp, who worked on Nintendo’s MARKETING team, had very radical ideas regarding underage sex and child molesters and child porn. No, I’m not talking about her essay mentioned on this article, but multiple…
But if you had your way they would never work again because their bodies are sexy?
> (By the end of that message board thread, Lipschultz had been banned from NeoGAF.)
The current media-manufactured discourse that allows a small but vocal segment of a community dictate their aesthetic sensibility over the rest? Is that the one you're talking about?
“to the current discourse” of the hyper sensitized, “trigger word” needing world... designing games around current social discourse sounds miserable
I love how you deny all females sexuality. There are in fact women like that in this world. Putting women in Burkas to hide their sexuality is certainly not a way to grow up my friend.
A Metroid show with that style?
And a damn good one too.
Do you think Catwoman’s lair has a clowder of cats?
I find the ones who get back something in their favour and then dig themselves a new corner to be the worst. Did you see Sarkeesian’s post about how Dishonored 2 giving you a gender choice was sub par to only being a female character.
Oh don’t get me started on the extremists on both sides. I don’t have a problem with people criticising something but if they keep banging on even after they’ve been given a rational explanation it just gets stupid and Witcher 3 is a great example of both. I see it as still reasonable to raise some criticism over how…
She has clothes on...
Holy shit Evan doesn’t need you to protect him. Seriously take a step back and calm down before your stress levels kill you.
Do you really expect the author of an article on a major video game media outlet to actually research the game they are writing about because... DUDE SPOILERS, fuck being informed!!!
Like I said above, I haven’t finished playing Arkham Knight yet.
Well, you know... if you had waited until you finished playing the main story to write this article... you wouldn’t have written this article.