This is not a Tim Rogers article.
(You should still read it though)
This is not a Tim Rogers article.
(You should still read it though)
Gawker commentator rips off often used fake headline gag to express displeasure with guy who rips off other people's content being upset that someone ripped off his content.
Nobody gives a shit in the real world.
Wow, that's a lot of hostility for a simple question. I guess I shouldn't be surprised having seen some of your previous posts.
If you don't want to be insulted, don't be a dick. Pretty simple.
We get it, you wanna bang fox girl.
Nope, Rank is a competition, not a game.
*hangs head*
Seriously. The whole look screamed "street-fighting badass" to me. The jacket and bracelets-so-big-they're-really-just-very-self-conscious-gauntlets were two things I wanted to see so bad in Injustice, but it just didn't happen.
I've said it plenty of times- this is the best she has ever looked.
Have they considered working from home with Google?
The enemy gone good (or did he?) will play a big role in Halo 5: Guardians, to the point where Keith "The Arbiter" David got to narrate the official E3 2014 trailer for the game. So naturally when it comes to highlight the coolest aspects of the series-spanning HD collection, Halo 2's playable alien pal is the go-to…
Someone geeks out about Mass Effect...and then the thread does the same. I can't wait to re-visit that amazing universe you created, Bioware.
European release was just the first to be confirmed. They announced that, then a day later confirmed an NA release as well, and today announced the NA release date.
You're just jealous
I wouldn't turn on my regular oven to make a single tuna melt.
Your loss. The Guardian and Junction system were truly unique to the series and gave you complete control to build a party and power up characters early on. Played right, you don't even need these cheats because within hours you can boost your stats to stupid levels and farm higher level items off some Gskills.
Two genders?! Gender neutral clothing?!?
I think most people want a Majora's Mask remake because of all the teasing of it. Ruby and Sapphire got teased forever and we knew it was coming.
2048 blew Threes out of the water because 2048 is free.