But not available for pre-order.
But not available for pre-order.
Alright, you win. I was out of line. I agree with you, and retract my original statement.
Sure buddy, you can dismiss facts all you like. Just like a young earth creationist, you believe what you want.
I don’t read Polygon. Giant Bomb content is built on quick looks and video features, not written reviews. Not comparable to Kotaku.
Soooo it seems like in comparison, Kotaku does not have a lot of employees, and thus they, as a website, do not review a lot of games. Right?
You knows what’s really convenient? Having numbers to back up your statements.
I guess posting a gif is a pretty good way to get out of an argument without admitting your wrong.
Sorry that “facts and reality” showing an average of less than 2 reviews per week derailed your petty response.
Which sounds like a pain! But the power and versatility of the M1 is such that the adjustments you have to make to your playstyle are more than worth it. The Garand forces you, more than any other weapon in video games, to fight smart. To plan ahead, and to really get to know the weaknesses of this rifle, so that you…
Reality: Kotaku has reviewed 10 games since April 22 (not including DLC reviews). IGN has reviewed 22. Not a fabrication.
9 in over a month isn’t a lot.
Kotaku does not review a lot of games, so why they bothered to review this mediocre, trashy game makes me think they just want to ride the wave of controversy (that they themselves created) to higher traffic.
Seemed way to far fetched to be true. Nintendo fights piracy hard, so running on Android seemed silly.
Sick meme bro.
No one would of even heard of this stupid trash, but since it’s being reported on so much, you are giving them more exposure and more money.
“Our E3 conference will have a section entirely dedicated to PS VITA. It will be our first ever “In Memoriam” section in an E3 conference”
Bioware isn’t assuming anything, they created a story based game so they modeled a character after a real life person because they needed a face for the series. Splatoon doesn’t need this since the story is an after thought. That’s why comparing the two isn’t fair.
The game hasn't been out long enough to get an accurate sample size. If in a month that's holds true then I'll retract my statement, but trends in other games support my original statement.