You have to be consistent. You can't condemn "Birth of a Nation" for black face and then praise "The Jazz Singer".
You have to be consistent. You can't condemn "Birth of a Nation" for black face and then praise "The Jazz Singer".
You've only seen one story condemning this type of depiction of women in the video game industry run here?
Despite practically being PC gaming, Steam is by no means perfect—as we've discussed on numerous occasions. But is the whole enterprise busted, not so much a sinking ship as it is a ship that's sinking a lot of great games? Popular YouTuber NerdCubed thinks so, and that's why he's abandoning Steam altogether.
My original post stated that I wanted a N64 controller styled after Daisy and you suggested that I meant Rosalina. I then told you why I thought a Rosalina controller wouldn't make much sense to me.
No, Rosalina made her debut in 2007 in the Wii game "Super Mario Galaxy", which came 2 generations after the Nintendo 64. Daisy made her Mario Party debut in 2001 on the final game in the series to appear on the Nintendo 64, Mario Party 3.
She had to tell you who she was in case you didn't play Super Mario Land.
Needs more Daisy. She's like Peach, except likable.
Nah, it's not a backpedal, it's a passive aggressive "fuck you" to Gawker bloggers.
This movie will reportedly be "a male-driven action-centric comedy" that will be a "counter-part" to the other film — starring Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy — announced last year.
I'm optimistic that you are actually a genius troll and didn't really confuse the two movies and you've pulled the rug over on a bunch of suckers.
All the things you mentioned still exist. It's summoners and the Institute of War that are removed.
The responses were not encouraging:
The only guarantees in life: You will eventually die, and if Kotaku runs a speed run article that is a glitch run there will always be idiot comments about "not being impressed by glitches" or "can someone explain to me why they don't do it legit?"
I actually don't know what you would put as the cause of death in that situation, blood loss or being shot? I think once you change the situation to murder it's no longer comparable my example.
Why did you quote me and then change the quote? It defeats the purpose of quoting. If you eat a lot of bacon and have a heart attack and die, what killed you? The heart attack, not the bacon.
Unless it is poisonous, food can't kill you Brian. It can only lead to medical conditions which lead to death.
what is a more realistic goal? A nicer world or one person getting thick skin?
So then I assume you've put out some shit art (as every artist on the planet does at one point), did you need someone to swoop in and protect you until you developed thicker skin? If not, why do you assume she does?
If you can't handle criticism, you can't make it as an artist.