Will I get featured on Gawker if I redesign the "Creacion de Adan" in MS Paint and put Adam in some blue jeans?
Will I get featured on Gawker if I redesign the "Creacion de Adan" in MS Paint and put Adam in some blue jeans?
Is it possible? Wouldn't the rights to Ultimate Spider-Man belong to Marvel and Spider-Man still belong to Sony?
Unless there's a buff coming to her next patch who cares? Riot gutted her and there is a reason why Janna is the queen of bot lane now.
All the Dying Light talk made me load up Dead Island and give it another chance, and I'm actually liking it a lot this time. I'll play Riptide eventually, even though I heard it's a bad follow up.
It's all good buddy.
Art styles change, as you just pointed out. And it's certainly no where near as drastic/horrible as what they did to Hamtaro.
Stop skinny shaming Pikachu.
"If you don't feel bad enough having to go out to eat on your own, here's a stuffed animal to sit across the table from you to really cement the fact that no one likes you and you're going to die alone."
Well obviously your community is different from what happens in San Francisco then.
nope, because in the bay area that's the word I hear them use to refer to themselves. That's what they identify themselves as, so that's what I say.
Guess I'll have to tell my transgender girlfriend and all of her transgender friends that they need to stop calling themselves "transgenders".
Transgenders or Magic the Gathering?
Is this the most infamous? I think that title goes to Moemon, the game where the Pokemon are all little girls.
You got it blinky.
So you clicked the only relevant link in the article, saw it directed to CBS, and then assumed that there was another, completely separate company involved called CBC? One that is not mentioned anywhere in the article OR the article that Luke linked. Did you google CBC san francisco? Did you think the San Francisco…
Seemed a lot more like a passive aggressive way of saying "gotcha". Like you said, the link goes straight to the CBS website. Doesn't take that much critical thinking to come up with the deduction that it was a typo.
In California, calling 911 multiple times for unwarranted reasons is a $200 fine per call. She deserves a $400 bill, consider it a "stupid tax".
He knows damn well it was a typo. Why he couldn't just politely point it out is the only mystery here.
Where does the b o y z meme come from? I really hate it.
"Our lines are [sic] dedicated to handle life and death calls, and even though Facebook is important to a lot of people, it's not a matter of life and death when it stops working," a dispatcher told CBC (via Boing Boing). "One caller even called back to tell me I was being rude because I told her it wasn't a life…