Return of DaOtter


@Jesse Tobiason: When I get out of the shower, I am the cleanest object in the house. Shouldn't my clothes be getting cleaner when they touch me?

@truthtellah: I like to use a tightly rolled ball of yarn. Or even tennis balls. They work pretty great. Try it out sometime.

@kaffenated: It's actually a secret sock liberation movement, a la the underground railroad. They free one sock at a time, to frolic and play in the hills far far away from all natural predators, like cats.

@orthorim: Asange hasn't shown any compunction about what type of information he posts. So what will happen if he gets a hold of something that really will cost people their lives? Is it too much then? Will YOU be in the line saying he should have been dealt with before then?

@Nitesh: Yeah, somehow I don't think ANYONE related to this story actually has a valid, sane viewpoint. That site does tend to draw out the crazies.

@dit.dotdat: My God, you're obtuse. Certain things are not told to the public simply because you don't need to know things like where government spies are stationed around the world.

@Destronok: The only problem is that cooling those servers is a critical load, so it can't fail. You could use the A/C as extra cooling or backup if you build the most efficient passive cooling array ever, but you couldn't eliminate it entirely.

@helixjo1: 1) The new Sony google TV? Sling boxes, Apple TV, and streaming Netflix haven't tipped you in that it will?

@Incoherent_ramblings_of_a_madm...: Very true. AdBlock is my hero. I can understand how some ad-supported sites might not like the use, but frankly, I don't give a damn. Ads piss me off.

@Craig Armstrong: Yeah, but those suggestions don't follow you to other sites. If amazon sold that data to other retailers (which would be a bit backwards, I admit), that would fall under this topic.