Return of DaOtter

@vinylrake: Do you really think that Microsoft wouldn't hold on to their position if they were less that positive? Hell, most would change it back just because it made the news, whether he did cheat or not.

@zeroprime: Wow. I actually laughed out loud at that one. Quite so. Frankly, I'm amazed that the Apollo 1 disaster didn't sideline the whole race to the moon. I think today, it would have.

Bearings! What don't they solve!

@emy1: Colors seem off for LEDs. The blues would be almost painful to look at (at least, LED lights are to me).

@Abner Santos: Actually, yeah. That's pretty standard for the Armed Forces and other government contractors and agencies.

@Stem_Sell: Are you saying you'd pass on home Lasik for only $29.95 plus shipping?

@ima747: Yeah, but who carries around a lappy without some sort of bag? I'd rather just carry a spare controller with me if emulators are that important.

@Boiler-Up: Who could overlook the Sailors on The Moon!

@OMG...Jellyfish: 162'-3.25" across the diamond. As a catcher, I was intimately familiar with that distance.

@Stupiderthanthou: Isn't it that thing you do when you spin your thumbs around? But what is worth something? The papers they make you sign accepting the listed risks associated with space flight before you get on board.

@sighing: This is the most post ever.

@Amoliski: Pussies. Since I died about a decade ago, it's been nothing but celestial partying up here!

Ronald's got the right idea. Don't like the results?

@OctoSniper: Are you going to church? If not, what makes you less of the problem?

@kdupree: Trolling with a smiley != joke.

@derekmhc: That also happens in subway stations, too, so that might not be too much of a surprise.

@chambuzz: Hey, if it gets them in the door, right? If the teaching is good, then getting them in the seats is half the battle. They can decide for themselves if they want to ignore it and keep giving religion a bad name.

@MajorGroove: Congratulations on having and using a working brain. That automatically places you in the top 1% of the world's population.