Return of DaOtter

@Mike43110: They are assuming that the global middle class citizens will all have broadband internet by that time. I don't know how many people that works out to, but I'd bet the number is at least double what it is now.

@lummox: Yeah, 800W of power is a LOT. More than a single solar panel can put out. It's very likely voltage. Power is kind of funny that way. Most people don't know that the terms are very specific-use.

@Ham_Sandwich: Comparing Lufthansa and most American airlines is like comparing apples to apples that have been eaten and shit out.

@fauxtronic: Watching the CNN feed of your own plane having malfunctions must be just freaky as all hell.

@diasdiem: It's more likely than you might think.

@DJKGinHD: and toilet jokes. don't forget those.

@Yuno: IF you actually have a driveway that you would have to drive up to access your home, on your own land. This won't help you if your house is at all visible from the road.

@commander_k: And currently non-functioning lawn mowers live in the right garage.

Their home lives down to their name.

@FlameCell: You moron, this bacteria has fundamentally different DNA. You imparted that it was via evolution from regular bacteria. That. Can't. Happen.

@Aaron Huebner: Yes, Arsenic and Phosphorous are similar on the table, but refresh your memory again; arsenic is MUCH more reactive, especially to water, and certainly to the point that without other substances holding everything together, it couldn't survive in a lake. The fact that it can warrants study because it

@junior ghoul: Arsenides in DNA would react badly with water, and would dissolve, essentially melting the life form.

@drno31: Velcro demands that you shut your hole!

@Microbial: It was confirmed experimentally because the microbes could grow in an environment completely devoid of phosphorous.

@FlameCell: Bullshit. No organism, ever, anywhere, anytime to the best of human knowledge has been able to modify its very genetic structure.