Return of DaOtter

@MVarga: I'm a bit of an armchair science wonk, even though I didn't do very well in college in any of my sciences, and this blows my freaking mind. I would have sworn up and down that something living on Earth with this difference would have been impossible yesterday.

@genomecop: Damn, man. How exactly to you convince people that you're not a pretentious git for spending that much on this POS? At least you're spreading all that money around the economy, I'll give you that much.

@eliavictor: You really need to get a doctor to look at that bleeding heart you've got there.

@orionburcham: Easy there, Capt. Low-self-esteem, no need to go looking for insults. If you don't want a response, don't post. if you post something stupid, you should expect to get slagged.

@Calger459: You say objectivity like it's the goal around here or something. This is a blog, not the Times.

@orionburcham: Of course. How far did you think the atmosphere extended from the earth?

@QMurphy: This is the most review ever. Must get!

@seanpat12: Well hoorah for being right. Except that when you actually try to stick for your rights, you'll spend the next 5 years in prison while what is and isn't your "rights" gets debated in the courts.

@Lahjik: You have the moral imperative to stand up for your principles, but not at the cost of others. You can be right and still immoral, though I know that's sort of an extreme generalization.

@Xenarian: God, I hope something horrible happens to you. Stop lowering the average IQ.

@thirdchild: Once they identify where it's coming from, they can get a look at you, you're not going to get them to let you off.

@dog13000: Didn't say anything about tranc darts or excessive whining, though.

@Elemnop: "No, THIS is my shopping list: Amazing thing, amazing thing, amazing thing, amazing thing."

@fastactingrelief: I need to see this illustrated in stick figures immediately.

@blyan-reloaded: So you may say, but I know I had a way easier time doing it with my feet than my fingers.

@daveywest: It's a fair point, but something I learned while I was waiting tables is that your problems don't matter a whit to the customer, because they're paying for an experience. If they're not getting the experience or service they desire, then they and their money will go elsewhere. And the more that happens,

@BlackYoshi: Well, if you'd never go out of your way to download it, then you're missing the whole point of living without cable.

@EK-AAT: That means nothing. They're still perfectly cromulent words.