Return of DaOtter

@Pixelologist, Esq.: Up is down, black is white, I won't believe it's not butter...!

@AV6Spd: It was even the sick and weak one in the herd!

@Fusion: I did like the multitasking I had on my Jailbroken 3G a year or so ago. Double tap the home button to background the program, so only the ones you really want are still going.

@PHXPhoto: Sadly, not supporting old hardware is a common problem, though it's still a pain, and I would have expected better from a company as large as Apple.

@kaffenated: Blah blah blah, trade freedoms for security, blah blah blah.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: It's in the original Aramaic. Sort of an inside joke he had with the disciples. I bet he's laughing really hard right now.

@rogger_frogger: I can't think of any other vehicles that state out loud: "I have nothing of value to contribute to society."

@CajunGuy: Nonononono, I'm completely with you. I'd just as soon remove everything except parental responsibility, and let parents decide and be responsible for everything.

Sequel hook! Get ready next spring for "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - No Sky".

@rogger_frogger: I think I would be willing to pay obscene gas prices if it meant no one would ever own an Escalade or Hummer again.

@Lex Steers: Well, that's the reason that the second is measured by the speed of light instead of a man-made constant. I bet they could do the same for the kilo. Maybe the weight of a specific number of atoms of Carbon-14 or something.

@CajunGuy: The problem is that children aren't seen as being able to make the decisions themselves (and they're not), so by putting all the onus on the parents, you're forcing the children to live punished (or in the case of early onset diabetes, disabled) for their parent's bad decisions, and that's just not

@dosdelon: I think that went out the window when parents STOPPED being responsible.

@WilliamTheFifth: That would in fact be ANY physical object, so I dunno how they could make it better.

@metronome49: Just hold up a quarter! It's the same size!

@dakris: That is true. Also, I've seen data in the past (and I'm not validating it, just reporting what I've seen, put down the torches) that shows that by age 40, the G/L/B crowd have, on average, 30-40% more sexual partners, and the average length of a relationship is around 18-20% shorter.