Return of DaOtter

@coxmr1: It was the holy grail for me, a burgeoning gamer at the time. I could circle strafe the hell out of people in Goldeneye with the c-buttons and analog stick combo. It had comfort and plenty of buttons that all made sense, were heavy enough to be tactile, and didn't break, no matter how many times I threw it

@Zonky: And to prevent the betting lines from changing 3 minutes before the game starts, though that might be more baseball's thing.

@AlteredSpeed08: The point is to cut down on gambling. The 90 minute window is so that no last-minute items or lineup changes can alter the spread or whatnot. It has absolutely nothing to do with free speech, and pretty much every professional sport has similar restrictions, but you know, blowing things all sorts

It falls well outside the $5 range at $25+, but the Zagg clear shields are THE SHIT.

@Renzo: Despite the fact that a regular grip made the d-pad useless, I loved that controller to death. I mean its death, not mine. Obviously.

As it stands, I'm so entrenched with the apps I know and love with my iPhone, that starting over finding and purchasing apps for Android would break me. I think that's about 90% of what would make my decision for me, is the app support. I know Android is getting better, but there's just no way that they'll catch up

"what happens in Private Browsing stays in Private Private Browsing."

@deciBels: It's true. Street skating is a hard life, especially if you ever want to be a civil servant.

@Bryan Levangie: I'll float an offer your way later, after I deal with the costs of inflation.

Hence the term "controller-snapping frustration". It's gotten a little better, since now my "controller" costs $500, so I have to think about whether I can afford a new one after I throw it through the window or whatever.

@Alchemistmerlin: You're entirely too rational to be a techie. Please turn in your card, security will escort you out.

@wopper: I would actually consider putting one in next to the doorway in such a room, just for the awesome factor. Also, replace the phone ring with a "code red" klaxon, so you can dive through the porthole.

@Gary_7vn: Except that they get yard time, and other amenities that you really couldn't fit onto a spacecraft. Besides the fact that it would be highly illegal.

@badasscat: All that damn paperwork gets in the way of the studies. MythBusters cut through the red tape, mostly by blowing it up.

@Wowzur: If you're taking advantage of it, YES YOU CAN. Unreported fraud is still fraud, last time I checked.