Return of DaOtter

I haven't listened to the radio in, oh, about 10 years now. CD players freed me, the iPod spoiled me, my smartphone sustains me; Slacker, Pandora, and OrbLive to my desktop music are my staples, and better than ANYTHING playing on FM, hands down.

@LaziestManOnMars: Around these parts, I'd use a whip more often than the horn. I hate driving in Texas.

Man, I would LOVE to see a garage painted up like that, especially the patterns at 1:50 and 2:45. Everything doesn't HAVE to be dull and grey!

Wow. I actually did a report on this stuff and its creators my freshman year of college. I forgot that I researched it so early when it came out, and I always kinda wondered what became of it.

I'm so sick of all these stupid pro-Apple posts!

@acemannw: Ed Hochuli would like to speak to remind you to FEAR THE GUNS, SON!

@A strolling player: Where do you live? In East Texas, it was worse than useless sometimes. I can see how it would be the boss in larger cities, but out here? You're on your own, chief.

While I can't seem to find anything legally to contest this idea, and I really should be 100% on board with criminal deterrents, somehow this just doesn't sit easily with me.

@bbeesley: In fact, the 1.0 FAQ outright stated that since they were still map-building, that it wasn't yet capable of turn-by-turn. Eventually, I just had to let it go, because I actually wanted directions, no matter how cool it might have been to get in on the ground floor, so to speak.

@Fred Steffen: "affordable" is a highly subjective term. I know I couldn't afford it. And for people who talk about how they grew up with dial-up and it worked just fine, what was the average file size back then? How many videos were on the internet, much less high-quality ones? How much of life was integrated

I used waze for months with the prior version, and while it was awesome and fun and all those other things it claimed, version 1 was not a navigation app. I can't wait to try it again and see if the map and navigation algorithms are any better.

@Pesti-Esti: Ah, logical fallacies are a bitch, but let's face it: no one could survive in this world if they played their beliefs to their logical conclusions.

@taniquetil: I suppose that would be an acceptable argument, if the woman could write worth a damn, or if someone would go through and chop out the lengthy rambles. Read the Cliff's Notes instead.

@GuyWithDogs: Ouch. My resistance was completely worn away by that one.

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: Oh. My. God. Do you listen to yourself? Where will they get the money from? They keep losing funding as it is. Are the computers they already have suddenly not good enough? Is reducing the processing time on one set of data for one project from 20 years to 19 years worth spending

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: And they ARE, but they need help. Sorta through all the data they come up with single-handedly would take decades.