Return of DaOtter

@Curves: You are the most devious office warrior I have yet encountered. Hell, I used to have to break into my boss' offices to get my pens back. They were notoriously bad at the "hey, let me correct this and then subtly walk away with your pen" technique.

@Lord_Data ∞: I used those in elementary school, and I despised them. They write like crap, and I've never had a pen where the ink actually clumps before, but there it was.

Well, it's a Dell keyboard/mouse, so at least no good products were harmed. If that were my Logitech MX518 mouse, people might die.

@OMG! Toast!: No, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means. Being able to apply algorithms to solve a Rubik's Cube means you know how to solve it. That's how algorithms work: it's understanding applied. Everyone just doesn't have to do the calculus themselves to do it.

Okay, I realize how this could go pear-shaped real quickly, but I'm actually supportive of this endeavor. It's actually an original idea (unless I missed something...) as a social experiment. At least he's accomplishing something instead of just clogging up the YouTubes with more narcissistic me-vids.

@OMG! Toast!: I think the point is that it's SIMPLE. You can just memorize one simple thing that will work every time, even if it's not the most efficient.

@sirjordan186: I'm thinking the ideas are moderated, but what do I know? I sure wouldn't let the internet just decide ANYTHING for me. I like living too much.

Go check out NanoStudio's web site/forums. Some of the crazy crap people are making with that blows my mind.

@SkipErnst: I also like "Don't not be funny." Might as well keep your mouth shut unless you're going to foster the conversation, or at least entertain.

You know why every time someone has tried to copy Mythbusters, it's failed? Cause there's only one Jamie and Adam.

@Xyst: Less yeah, but the real problem is that there is NO failsafe. If you crash your flying plane, no airbag, crumple zone, or safety feature is going to save your ass, unless the flight ceiling is less than 20 feet, and then you fail to eliminate the gridlock in the first place.

Leave it to XKCD to have the rational viewpoint. Science IS experimentation.

@headc4se: No. Just no. Those were designed for stroke victims and people in wheelchairs. If you are not either of those, you are a tool.

While some small part of me dies every time I admit this, yes, I fully believe someone can be that stupid.

@mynameisjay: The judges would also have accepted "hullabaloo".

Ah, the Athlon Thunderbird. My first computer's processor.

@iScuba: But... Dr. Horrible did it! That makes it right!