Return of DaOtter

@eenmijay: From our side, it's about the right to have control over your property instead of someone else saying how you can or can't use it. Nobody sells cars that can only drive on approved roads.

@mastermatt63: HA! No kidding. I couldn't even heelflip one of those monstrosities, and I can flip a 2x6 without much trouble.

@eenmijay: Frankly, it's called ownership. I don't know the big legal terms, but the idea that you are "leasing" entertainment media or whatever language big corps use to justify hideous DRM is completely bogus.

@moetop: That's the exact word I was searching for. Futile. Still, at least with their help the oil will be cleaned up in TEN BILLION YEARS.

@ryoshi: ...aired by FAUX NEWS...

@crd22: Satirical comment is satirical.

Shit, anybody could play it THAT badly. This is impressive in the same way that watching someone eat their keyboard is impressive. Just because you can do something, even maybe do it well, doesn't make it not retarded.

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: I volunteer to be the high-angle sniper with an eyepatch and a drinking problem, who may or may not end up betraying the team for more of the money.

@Nightskyre: That's true. The particles worked well, but it just seemed to frictionless, too fluid. Granted, the water looked PERFECT.

@Kakkoii: Either that, or just make the promises ambiguous and personal. Scientology tries to be provable and all that crap. Religion is not provable, by definition.

@OfficerMike: I always thought XBL games should just be rated D for Douchebags. That would cover it.

It's pretty simple to explain. Scientology is for simpletons, and Anon hates those. For a "religion", it sure makes a lot of promises that it doesn't deliver on.

@Ccomfort: The security people are ALWAYS the last to know anything, and when you question the wrong people, you get your shit canned. I've been there, and it sucks. The only thing you're good for is directions to the shipping area.

@RT100: Sadly, that's true. As long as you look like you belong, and make even a remote effort at faking ID, you'll get in no problem. Security guards don't have the power to stop anyone, and they don't want to lose their jobs if they get in legitimate people's way. It's kind of a catch-22 that way.

@pouncep: Gilbert Godfrey. Hollywood always ruins sequels.

@Ccomfort: "I just walked up and asked! Was that not supposed to work?"

@allaun: And why are the villains so vacuous? Why don't they just sell the stolen oil and make a fortune? And what kind of lame power is heart, anyway?!?