Return of DaOtter

@wætherman: I don't think I've ever heard something less knowledgeable in my life. The engineers are the ones filing the reports that warned of the impending danger. It's the suits who failed to take the measures needed. 90% of the time in industry, the engineers and workers are the ones trying to do everything

Ya know, I wouldn't condone it, but there's a certain sick irony that so many churches got burned to the ground down here in TX, yet the people most harmful to religion as a whole (and Christians specifically) do business as usual.

Dude, check out those arms compared to the waist! Optimus Prime is STACKED! And kinda has gorilla hands, but that just means he can flatten more of us with each swipe.

It's really good to know that philosophy = science now. I bet the students at those universities really feel like their tuition dollars are being well spent.

@VeLAWLceraptor: There really is no pleasing you people, is there? Too many apple posts, not enough apple posts, everyone's hating, Giz is blowing apple...

@scrapplejoe: I heard: "bitch bitch, whine whine whine, I don't have an iPhone so I don't care, bitch, whine."

Awesome. Pure win with a side of awesomesauce. Other phrases that describe how much I loved that video.

@Bryanv2: $500k is splitting the $1m with the farmer, idiot.

@diverguy, @Wburg: 9th grade American Government class knowledge FTW.

@quillaja: That's ASSUMING that the courts don't demand settlement now, which seems MUCH more likely. He'll have to loan that amount, too, which could very well torpedo his chances of completing graduate school, thus negating that nice salary your argument is counting on.

@screemname: For 5 years of college, my loan share was only $18k, and that's likely to take me at least 10 years to pay down with what I make.

@tedknaz: You're confusing "pageview trolling" with "journalism" again. Gizmodo is not journalism, no matter how much they try to play internet newspaper. It's okay, it happens to all of us. Just read this W.R. Hearst biography and breathe.

@ridgecity: This guy can be good on suspense

@lbberkeley: Truly, all we can do now is wait for Peter Jackson to do a 3.5 hour remake and bring it back from the grave. Then we'll get our sequels, too.

As much as I want to agree with this, there is no way any of this would have helped. The movie could have been 6 hours long with every character copied, and the movie still would have blown rocks, because M. Night can't write worth a damn. EVERYTHING about this movie was awful, and adding more in-jokes and

If this is art, then art is dead.

@Slinkytech: That's why good ol' Rob and company in Chicago take everyone's money. I mean, YOU clearly can't be trusted with it. You'll just waste it on stupid things.