Return of DaOtter

@r33brooks: "clearly" is not evidence. I don't see anything that can't be explained by depth of field, and I hit the enhance button at LEAST ten times!

@johnclevenger: Assclown. Any company that pushes a product that fails to do exactly what they say it does should be taken down, whether Apple or Psystar, or whoever.

@Chroma: That's the idea, poindexter. How is this thing supposed to account for voltage differences in other country's standards?

Since it doesn't include the RoadTrip app, it is complete fail. I keep track of each and every gas fill up, purchase, service, and expense my car incurs. If I ever sell my car, that will be invaluable.

Not only is this highly unlikely work (not only because of all the different voltages carried on lines in the US, but internationally. When was the last time a SF soldier was deployed in the US?), but for the rest of us, this is highly illegal to boot. Remember, the utility companies can track line losses, and while

@MorganRW: Microsoft's perfectly acceptable solution was to force you to buy a new OS or suffer through Vista? How is that better than a $35 bumper? At least iOS updates are free.


@JabbaB: That movie was a disgrace. I couldn't even watch it in 3D, I had to suffer through the movie in blur-o-vision.

I would have bet hard money that it wouldn't have held up to an eighth of that. I'm actually impressed now.

Where is the rooting for the meteor option?

How exactly would this have been reversed in American football? You still can't override a judgment call in any case, in any sport. If he called it offside, then yeah, you could overrule it, but I don't think a reason was ever given for the goal being disallowed.

ESPN3 is NOT broadcasting all 64 games. They're not even doing the US-Eng match tomorrow (wtf?!?!) because it's on ABC nationally, according to ESPN and ESPN3's schedule pages.

I'm tempted to go back and pull out a classic comment, I believe one of Gourmet Spud's:

@ArkansasFred: Be sure to look for the sequel, The Sinister First Baseman Visits Washington.

@NotMyFirstRo-Day-O: Oh, I'm well aware of his performance. Those were my quote when I first heard of the acquisitions.

@Samer Ocho Cinco: I have to agree that he was stellar. And he still might (MIGHT) have a chance at the Cy if Carp and Wain split the vote. I don't think that will happen, though.