Return of DaOtter

I hope my beloved redbirds do well, though I admit to being the nay-sayer all year long with the trades.

@Weed Against Speed: You're doing it wrong. Here, take my gauntlet, I'm not using it right now.

What the hell is he making that face for? Didn't they have bathrooms inside the courthouse?

If that blogger ever shows up here in Learning Curves, he's gonna get crucified with big, blunt, rusty nails shaped like dick jokes.

@Bobby Big Wheel: Anyone actually following that formula would have been dead before kickoff.

That first drive was disturbingly effective. Favre's really setting up the 4th quarter let-down, isn't he?

@SundaySunday: Turns out they have nothing to do with each other. They just sat in those seats, but once the sniper strikes, their love of Farve will lead them to join forces.

@Roto_Tudor: 4 horsemen of the A-Farve-Ralypse?

The only people in my high school to get head injuries were the mathletes, and that was mostly due to being stuffed into lockers.

@What Would Tebow Do?: Al Davis is kept alive by the collective psyches of people believing that he exists. Like Santa. Just, like, a billion times creepier.

Okay, so, after all that bullshit, WHO THE FUCK ARE THE ELDERS OF TOMORROW?

@allyzay: I blame you for all of this.

KOGOD's in tomorrow to do his best Peggy Noonan impersonation

@Beer-Fart: Is snark more or less desirable then the death threats she gets here?

@dh86sj: /shows you the door

@BruschisBrewsky: That last paragraph was actually really good. REAL satire, with a little bit of bite.