Return of DaOtter

I think we have established that "ca-caw ca-caw" and "tookie tookie" do not work.

I read this, I read the article, and it still confuses the hell out of me.

Props to the redneck videographer for the restraint to omit the "That wuz awesome!"

Inside Edition being America's Newsmagazine is kinda like the Cowboys being America's Team, just with less homicide.

Suicide seems like too easy of an answer. He was set up!

@Thundercracker: I totally saw this on Castle last week... Dammit, how did it end...

@Artie Fufkin: All funniness aside, I'm with you; he needs to die in a fire.

But he can still beat Kimbo Slice, so he's got that going for him.


For a thousand years, the Jedi have defended the small-ball type athletes. Before the dark times. Before David Ortiz.

Well, NBA defenses are about as effective as high schools, so I think he'll make the transition well. I totally see the sense in this.