Return of DaOtter


"We even grade our lunches. If I say it's a F4 - all the guys know what that means, pretty good, but not great, and likely from Taco Bell."

@SpartyMAKESPLAYS: We got a new rule. From now on you can't say the word flaccid to me. This is our little boundary box. We're gonna take the word flaccid and put it in there with my mom's titties and your erection problem and we gonna close this box and we gonna throw this bitch in the ocean. And the only way that

Sam Waterston just sweats integrity

Worse at shooting: MSU or Dick Cheney? Discuss.

Apple approved the iDong?!

No worries, Suss, I'm not leaving yet. We can be miserable and bored together.

@Samuel L. Bronkowitz: MSU fans are starting to line up the Pan-galactic Gargle Blasters to help them forget tonight happened.

Larry Bird must be using A-Rod's tanning cream.

In other, perhaps interesting news, the Angels are leading the A's 2-0 just a couple of channels down.

@Billy Ds Widows Peak: All 5 starters will commit seppuku at midcourt in a tribute to Lehman Bros.?

Who let Daft Punk do the music for the feature segments?

The lead is less than 20! How can UNC hold on?!