Return of DaOtter

@J-No: And as far as the city being mobbed up and our government totally corrupted, that shit is basically all true. What are you gonna do about it? That's just the way it is.

Doesn't he look Hooman?

Chicago, wrote A.J. Liebling, "has the personality of a man brought up in the expectation of a legacy who has learned in middle age that it will never be his."

If so, I've got some...ideas for them to...

Needs more colon*-related news.

@Weed Against Speed, @Sports-Pun: In another vein, you guys may wanna leaf the puns to the pros. You'll get your chlorophil of bad jokes later.

Can you really play the crochety-old-man card on him when he's right?

@J-No: So does that make her a gold(medal) digger?

He's more mature and refined; he's a man with a plan, a 50-cent razor and 10-cent arm.

Electing an athlete?! Next you'll tell me that we elected a-

@shea_guevara: DO IT. We need daily updates on it, though. Could be hard to disguise. Or at least keep a journal to be revealed later.