
oh GAVIN GAVIN GAVIN. Why must you also be a cliche? I’ve loved you since Glycerine in the rain, man. And you’re a nanny banger like that bro Affleck? DISAPPOINTING.

everyone laughed, sure the 70-year old con was just out for the publicity. With his hernia reaching massive proportions, he’d be lucky to make a half mile even without pursuit.

Based on my experience in Juvenile Court, Mrs. Pomeroy is absolutely ordinary.

I don’t know why but I love crime stories.

Yep, read a bunch about this guy. He’s one of those people I would have liked to have punched in the face until they assumed some measure of responsibility.

Clarence Darrow threatened to take up his case, blustering, “The State of Massachusetts ought to be in the hands of a receiver for keeping Jesse Pomeroy in prison 50 years. It is an outrage.”

Interesting that his mother died in 1914 and then later again in 1915 - according to this text.
(Otherwise a very interesting and gruesome story.)

He was well on his way to becoming the next John Wayne Gacy.

Speaking of making things about me... It has taken me until just now to think maybe his Twitter handle is “A plus K”, not “aplusk”, as in a made up word that rhymes with musk. Feeling very silly.

Reading that just made me inhale probably a pretty dangerous amount of solid food. That’s exactly what Charlie Sheen said to Mario Lopez. Like you’re exactly right.

I believe people who say “thank god I wasn’t there” way more than I believe the rest. I’m pretty sure I’d be of zero help in 99% of emergencies.

I’m willing to bet that the story that Charlie Sheen told Mario Lopez was neither “hilarious” nor “classic.”

I’m pretty sure their son had difficulties at birth and needs special glasses because of it, or something like that. Basically anyone can get glasses at any time. Most people just don’t know they need glasses when they’re really little because they don’t know any different. My brother didn’t realize until he was like

Dear Ashton:

They’re better at detecting vision problems earlier

Shia LaBeouf is that friend who posts emo statuses on FB but when you ask whats wrong they say “I dont want to talk about it on Facebook”

It’s like watching a VH1 Behind the Music in real time.

“Afraid of strong women.”

Must be chill dudes and down with beer drinking hellraisers