...the more than likely deeply ethically questionable sammydress.com. It turned up in my newsfeed ads and I HAD TO HAVE IT.
...the more than likely deeply ethically questionable sammydress.com. It turned up in my newsfeed ads and I HAD TO HAVE IT.
If I wanted to also wear that a lot, where might I look for it? Hypothetically.
I admire your taste, you bitch.
And even then, what's the insult? "You looked cute in this swimsuit one time. Ha-ha, nailed you."
like what a weird fight
Everything about that explanation is super depressing.
God help me, but I wanted to walk out. I almost chewed off my arm just so my date wouldn't know I walked out. I swear, if she wasn't my wife, I would have.
Mama is losing her goddamn mind with all that sugar.
Haha. That was the only movie I ever walked out on.
That explains a lot. He was all sweet in the beginning, then funny, and then just confused.
For those who are curious how this actually works, from the New Zealand Herald:
Will do. It was stupid of her to leave her phone on my desk while she ran out to pick up lunch. It's like she was asking for this.
OK, I'm sold. I just signed my friend up for it without telling her and am going to sit back and see what happens. Curious to see how Fred Kelly responds to a baffled married woman.
Do they have a sign in the teachers' lounge reminding the teachers not to fuck students? They probably should, just like how restaurants have to have a sign directing their employees to wash their hands.
Annoying and, dear god, the stench of teenage boys (either b.o. and/or AXE body spray).
When I was 20 I dated someone who was 18 and he annoyed the ever loving shit out of me. I can't even imagine being wayyyy more grown than 20 and wanting to go near teenagers.
Teens also can't keep their mouths shut for anything. How do these women not understand the boys will tell everyone who'll listen???
WTF is going on in Orange County? Was there an ad in Female Pedophiles Weekly? Are there no women teachers in that specific school who won't say "Ya know, maybe knocking boots with a 16 year old isn't worth the shit that will roll down on my head"? Good lord.
How big of a fucking loser do you have to be to be diddling your goddamn students? JFC.