
All channels tried worked - This can't last

How much they make from me?- that would be zero Brian

Bit by bit GATTACA comes closer to reality each day. This is just a page in the novel that will be genetic engineering in the next 10 to 20 years

Jared Harris (Lane Pryce), the penny pincher at Sterling Cooper, has to be the spokesman of Mini Cooper

I haven't used it on a bike and Nike says it doesn't work for bikes and swimming but it works most other things, I guess you could attach it to the pedal of the stationary bike but don't most of those have measuring capability any way?

I have had people actually ask me about in bars and this has happened more than once. Haven't had this much attention about a piece of tech since my first iPhone.

I really like mine and have had it for over a month, the software is easy and the syncing works great. I'm taking my dog on longer walks and find my self taking an extra trip up the stairs to get my numbers up. I have actually lost a couple of pounds with this increased activity.

Fax machines only seem to exist for legal reasons and signatures- they will remain until some laws are changed and banks and lawyers accepted scanned and emailed as readily as faxes.

I think that is the best last word in an interview I have read in a very long time. Kudos to Gizmodo for printing it.

Owning one seems expensive. Could you also provide some affordable leasing options?

Steve Jobs also wanted to further expand his remarks by saying he may not want to be "left alone" at all now that he has been fully embraced by the collective of the cosmos.

And this will make all 1st dates become roller coasters or horror movies


OMG- It's a double barreled rainbow- It's SO beautiful! (well it should have been)

Kutcher the butcher can hack it!

I believe you fears are misplaced-He's mildly amusing but the intensity and inspirational aspects of Jobs? I can't think of a time where that was true in Kutcher's career.

I would rather see Demi Moore and Bruce Willis play younger/older Jobs than Ashton Kutcher

This guy might have a few ideas

She's a Photobombgrapher?

it's fantastic when he puts on his glasses at the end and then calmly promises not to be physically violent