I don't do Facebook or Twitter- my Google account is just for work. So I guess your just saying I need create an another account -um ok. Sorry I just couldn't work up any rage about this
I don't do Facebook or Twitter- my Google account is just for work. So I guess your just saying I need create an another account -um ok. Sorry I just couldn't work up any rage about this
Kevin Rose will be a Google +
bolo rounds? flechette Rounds? Seems a superfluous use of exotic shotgun shells. A cheaper pumpkin ball round would have made a nice hole and is the chosen round for zombie hunters everywhere.
If he had been thinking like an Irishman he would have only gone for a liter and thus accomplished his goal. Éirinn go brách-Tiocfaidh ár lá
I'm taking about home use, certainly there are many reasons to have a 12 cup machine
From 0 to 3000 mph in 2 minutes is impressive but watching the deceleration of the booster (starts at the 5:00 mark, chutes deploy at 6:40) till actual splashdown is really cool.
Why are most drip coffee makers designed to make 12 cups- how often do most people brew that much coffee at once? You can get very good coffee from a 4 cup brewer that takes a little more time than the keurig cups and cost a whole bunch less. I have always been surprised that more makers don't go for the 4 to 5 cup…
three-pronged approach..sounds like grounded science to me
Make it plain. This!
Let me know when it can reach 88 MPH- until then the story is still in flux
It's really a hydrogen ion particle accelerator.
If I'm rich and earned my money from starting a company that employs 1,000 can I spend my money any way I want? I just don't get why it matters what else you can with that much money.
It's just easier to stay out florescent lighting then to get most folks to eat their vegetables.
Scuba gear for a sea horse?
This is badassery skills at play- It is something that approaches the magical 10,000 hours of mastery
So if the Mayans are right (according to the chart) I will never have to worry about that day.
I'm surprised they didn't show photos of the keyboard and trackpad with more detail- i would have liked to see what the little apps screens were. Shouldn't they feature the things you can't get on a sub $1500 laptop in their photos?
it actually refers earlier in the article about the Doppler Effect and that the laser intensifies it but what is happening in the sentence is in addition to the Doppler effect
I read the link and understood a little of what they were talking abut but this sentence stop me cold "This is called optical cavity back reaction, and can result in highly complex nonlinearly coupled vibrational behavior." Um sure that's EXACTLY what I was thinking (no not really) Best I can figure is the Doppler…
I find no problem at all with using a straw man to purchase something. If they had said the name Apple is would have cost 10 times that. Proview sold a trademark, they got paid, who bought it makes little difference.