
It’s a nice design for a beer I would never drink.

With all the battery fires lately can they promise Safe Sox?

I have been a very good boy and this is the Santa I deserve

Challenge Accepted! Let Me close the NORAD door first

What I am saying is that it hasn’t been shown there is a compelling govermental interest in this case as of now. However there are times that when people are being exploited that intervention is warranted. Therefore, Uber should be allowed to continue the program and I believe the marketplace will decide if this

Winston Churchill once famously said that “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” I wonder if we can say the same thing about capitalism? Also it has yet to be shown that one can’t make money from this program with Uber. If one can’t make above minium wage you would have a point and

Capitalism allows for people to make bad choices in finding a job. It’s certainly less onerous than most for profit universities, car title loans, or any multi-level marketing.

I have disabled flash and other browser junk. However do you think that Gawker could fix the constant redirection to

And here I have just been using the sleep timer setting on my TV for years

I would like to know what fresh hell is all the

While it’s a good in theory, I wouldn’t want to be the country that gives him asylum. The US will not take it well and will find some way to punish that country.

She is a very attractive girl but why would compare her to meh performer Lana Del Rey (decent songwriter tbh) ?

Can we really afford taking a chance on liberals taking away the very meat that our guns get for us? This is a slippery, finger-licking slope of tomato based saucy goodness that cannot stand.

The ratio of democrats who own cats is probably 20-1 verus republican cat owners. Dogs are clearly the overwhelming pick of republicans.

How can you not mention that Zero Cool is played by Jonny Lee Miller who was Angie first husband and currently plays Sherlock in Elementary (also in trainspotting)

Another reason this is such a deal is after years of constant wear they can be completely rebuilt (good as new) for just over around $100. They will last decades properly cared for