
That bothered me too, they got so close to the leopard while it was trying to eat and made so much damn noise that it probably disrupted the cat's meal and normal behavior. I know they usually try to drag carcasses into trees but maybe the reason this one kept trying after it was clear the tree was too flimsy and the

Damn, Nature! You scary.

That's a different issue. Conservative Tea Party whack jobs are not opposing climate controls because they're worried about the developing world. They oppose them due to pure ideology.

Evil? I don't think anyone arguing valid points against nuclear said that so don't be a simpleton and fall in with the false attribution crowd.

Not evil, just a very short term solution with a very, very, very long term problem - but that's OK, because it's not our problem.

Quick version: PRISM uses a fast-neutron reactor similar to Plutonium breeders, which is one of the factors that allows it to run on almost any fissile material: from Thorium to weapons-grade plutonium to the waste that's piling up in storage ponds at old crappy reactors, it'll burn it all. Plus, it's incredibly safe.

Don't worry, we've been killing off large animal populations to make way for our population, so it all works out in the end, provided you aren't a buffalo/elephant/whale/etc.

But I don't see clean coal anywhere on there.

I'm hoping for Shadow Minister for Magic, because I don't want Emma Watson, MP to be part of the Tories.

Here's the thing. Of course it was basic feminism 101 because so many people do not understand what feminism is at all. You need to have a strong foundation to build your work upon. This was the launch of the initiative. Action will come. Right now, this is the outline.

Read the first sentence and realize that copying something is not taking something. They're different verbs for a reason.

Please show me where I said she "deserves" it. Please. Here's a hint, don't use quotes if the person you're quoting DIDN'T SAY WHAT YOU'RE MAKING IT LOOK LIKE THEY SAID. Learn to read, I never said she "deserves" it, I said she and Zoe aren't innocent, like they, and their followers, claim to be. And you know why?

"im a battled hardened veteran in the great console wars between nintendo & sega..."

As someone who has self-identified as a "gamer" since my years as a nerdy, severely bullied teenager, into my adult life as a professional artist in the indie game development scene, and a reasonable, progressive individual who cares about social issues, I can't stress how profoundly offended I feel every single time

little infighting? im a battled hardened veteran in the great console wars between nintendo & sega and nintendo & sony.

"Gamer" is a term undergoing a shift in the cultural lexicon. It used to mean "anyone who enjoys playing video games recreationally", because when gaming was nascent there were people who never grew up around games, or who's experience of gaming was narrowly defined by limited examples (people who thought "video

So Zoe and Anita got harassed, yeah, that's awful. But are we going to ignore the indie dev that claimed to be sexually harassed by Zoe herself, and then got threatened by Phil Fish and others into not only keeping quiet but APOLOGIZING for it? As if it was his fault he got harassed? Are we going to ignore the

Personally Im in dubio. I mean, no doubt Im a person who doesnt fully cooperate with the friendly attitude of being a gamer. I made some comments towards Saarkesian and I certainly dont regret them (only the typo I made which really twisted my own words >_<)