
Fly: [smashes into Pierzynski's helmet]

The evolution of the Peppered moth is a fascinating subject. The vast majority of these moths were lightly-colored, as their environment was largely populated by birch trees whose white bark served as an effective camouflage. However, the onset of the Industrial Revolution in Britain stained these trees black, the

Holy shit. Spot ON.

Calgary readies itself for the 2014 Winter Classic with authentic pond hockey.

Ask him if it's the suicide prevention line, when he says no, pretend to kill yourself with poison. But don't drink too much, just enough to fool him.

Ah, yes, the old bait-and-switch.

Now it's going to be really hard to stump the Schwab when you ask him to name something black and white and red all over.

This is gonna make a GREAT episode of Law & Order: STFU.

A game in Australia in March is the only way the Dodgers will play a Fall Classic.

Right, George Marshall, who was the league's leading voice against allowing black players, refused to integrate his team until he was forced to by the federal government in 1963, and specified in his will that none of the money from his foundation go to “any purpose which supports or employs the principle of racial

"...the most recent detailed survey of Native Americans found that fewer than 10% considered the name objectionable...I myself was a bit surprised that many were sober enough to fill out the forms."