
I can only say one thing. "Corporate Policy on Violence in the Workplace" I'm not sure about Europe, but I'm pretty sure every American Corporation the has more the 50 employees has one and it specifies punishments upto and including dismissal. I would bet the even Gawker has one and that every employ has to read it

Not a problem to qualify for the Superlicense. He's already grandfathered in. He had one in 2013 when he drove for Caterham.


Is @sniffpetrol a producer for Top Gear? Hasn't been on Twitter for three days. Something here or just coincidence? Just Wondering

Nope, Both in the wrong, Camper can't be in the left lane unless they are passing and then the other car still can't pass on the right.

Unless it's changed since the lastime I was in western Europe, it is illegal, with few exceptions such as the Peripherique in Paris, to pass any vehicle on the right. Just as it is a infraction to be on the left unless you are attempting to pass. And the last time I was on the A6 in France it was so strictly enforced

If you ever get to Dallas, give me a shout and you can do a road test on our Acadiane, and if it finally gets here before you come, our 18' high top H-Van food truck conversion.

In addition to the front and rear seats, there's a pair of very usable jump seats in the cargo area, staggered and facing one another. They have much more legroom than you'd think, and fold away totally flat, thanks to the spare tire living in the nose in front of the engine. This car could seat eight with ease.

Haven't heard of Piggly Wiggly in ages, used to by my neares source of weapons and amunition for the Neighborhood Saturday afternoon battle for the block. (1 lb. bag of dried peas and a $0.10 bg of straws. Great fun, but I bet very few of anybody here remembers doing anything like that.

That seems to imply that it is his opinion that the majority of Saudi men, upon seeing a woman with car trouble on the side of the road, wouldn't stop and render aid, but stop and rape her. I kind of doubt that is the case, but may be mainly based on s survey of one. How he would act!

I would assume that the purpose of the LIDAR is to provide three axis dimensional information about the images, since that is usually the purpose of LIDAR.

"Got word" or realized that the "proponderance of evidence indicated that an indictment was forthcoming?"

Remember, this is the European 2015 TT. I believe that in the U. S. It will be the 2016.

Here's our catering equipment truck. Could be considered a food truck.

base vehicle before restoration.

Vous avez raison. Have one on order to be our Crepe truck here in Dallas. but ours will have a raised roof behind the cab for work space. Vive Le Tube

1967 Citroen 18' raised roof H-Van