Retired Jackaroo

I catch it every now and then. Love that advert, except... I kinda have a feeling that for most people who end up on Bondi Rescue, you'd have to explain what "parallel" means!

Looks like he braked because of the police speed trap (you can see it in the top video) and lost control.

Especially considering her sweet, retiring nature!

I got past it reading Terry Pratchett: Moist Von Lipwig. On a par with Sam Vimes as a character :D

Yep, formergr is right - think of it like air around a fire - air gets sucked in from all directions and sent upwards (not exactly right- but you get the idea). If you move out of the hot air column, the upwards movement ceases.

Arg... riptides. The number of times I have to say to my friends: Swim ACROSS them, not against them. Turn side on to the beach, either way is fine and just swim...

Oh dear God no, never do that. Teeth have no place down there. Ever.

Become an expert and have a vagina?

Erm... why?! Pinterest is customisable, it's gender neutral and is not "for the girls".

Nah, I wanted to make sure that whatever happened later down the line - I knew divorce was on the cards, and her dad was a pretty senior Lawyer - I was whiter than white and I wouldn't have anything on record I'd regret.

I got given them as wedding presents.

See, when I found out my wife of four months was cheating, doing that was my first reaction. I decided not to.

So I was going to type up either a sarcastic response along the lines of "yeh, whenever I'm out with the boys, it's always a toss up between video games and watching the football or for a really good time we get ready to do some rapey stuff".

Bit of a hatchet job really.

Oh no, clearly I'm failing in what it is to be male... I have no harem, I had one marriage and only go on about 2 dates a month.

Replying to promote

"a grand total of three women were paid to falsely claim in videotaped interviews that they had sex Menendez"

Kick Ass was my surprise favourite film of the last few years - cannot wait for this one!

Personally, the sooner equal maternity and paternity leave comes, the better.

It can be done - I ummm... have this friend that's done it while Scuba diving.