Hi, literal PhD in engineering here. First you’re clearly a “engineer” in one of the softer topics. Second your understanding of engineering is laughable.
Hi, literal PhD in engineering here. First you’re clearly a “engineer” in one of the softer topics. Second your understanding of engineering is laughable.
So I don’t want to nitpick too much, but hardly her doing a spectacular job planning, and much more having to do with not having to pay for food at all for over a year...
He is paid, and that is really why I have pressure to dump him if he can’t get his work together.
So not quite tipping, but the best “me and a hotel employee” interactions I’ve ever had.
So real question. Lets say I have an intern, and every time I do this his reaction is to effectively go: “yes I know I am a piece of shit” and then go back to making the same problem AFTER the correction and the teaching moment. I spoke with his last boss, and he described the same problem.
So I moved around a lot when I grew up, but there was one house in particular that was very very much haunted.
So one thing that is important to note here, climbing is EXPENSIVE for beginners unless you commit. The gym near my house has a 10 dollar day pass, and something like a 110 dollar monthly.
So two problems with this, one, I think the largest problem I had was that he never “invented” or made a clock. As a kid who actually learned to put shit together to make them do new things, it hurts me that modern America does not seem to get the difference.
My car has it’s fair share of mechanical quirks (Previous owner felt the need to add every bolt on mod in existence) but I think the winner was my push to start trunk button.
Not to be difficult, but the “best and brightest” should be getting a hell of a lot more than median income if that is your goal.
As a Cuban who had to leave that country because my family disagreed with the government (Oh it’s okay only my Uncle was shot for it).
Also to point out I don’t have a problem with MORE research, more data is ALWAYS better. I was saying that they pulled funding because it was a money drain and at the time “ethically questionable”
The links are supporting that IPS and ES cells have large cancer risks. I chose papers from nature because they are easily accessible and tend to be written without uneeded jargon. Papers 1 and 2 cover related efforts, and 3 and 4 cover contemporary work being done abroad on the same topics without much movement.
I am not arguing that at all, I am arguing that your argument that a 8 year lock up on federal funding (not private mind you) shows no knowledge of the science at the time, or the real projections for that science. In short, you fall into that class of people who knows enough science to think they know a lot, and in…
sighted*** (It has been a long day)
You did as you said:
You mistake my response. Stem cells (iPS AND Embryonic) are unstable, and a lot of the work done on them ended up creating tumors as a result of lack of control of the differentiation process (1 2 3 and 4). The solution to this is to develop a complimentary technology that allows for cell specific targeting and repair…
I was actually working in that field (a lowly intern), and the ban while obnoxious actually came in around the same time it became obvious that the work being done would not lead to meaningful therapies and that it would be better to work on genetic specific therapies. Stem cell work never could work out that whole…
It is reasoning like this that cost us the election. I know a bunch of Trump supporters who are NONE of those things, and by putting them in a box and saying “yes well they are all racist, sexist, xenophobes” you basically make it so that there is no conversation. I challenge you to actually talk to one of his…
I voted early voting, and this all feels like a strange after the fact fever dream now.....