
So real question. Lets say I have an intern, and every time I do this his reaction is to effectively go: “yes I know I am a piece of shit” and then go back to making the same problem AFTER the correction and the teaching moment. I spoke with his last boss, and he described the same problem.

So one of my friends a few years ago worked for a med tech company doing trachea work. Not particularly interesting, but at conferences, they would bring along a head and neck to demo the devices. I heard a wonderful story (confirmed by multiple sources) about the practice for that.

So I moved around a lot when I grew up, but there was one house in particular that was very very much haunted.  

So one thing that is important to note here, climbing is EXPENSIVE for beginners unless you commit. The gym near my house has a 10 dollar day pass, and something like a 110 dollar monthly.

Gonna level here, the BEST movie theater in my area is a IMAX theater run by a furniture store. It is $15 dollar a ticket, but the sound is good, the chairs are comfortable (though they just changed to covers to a weird texture), and I don’t get a 3D upcharge.

So you coulda called it “Animals that live in water and are vaguely tube shaped for streamline reasons look like a penis”

So a little part of me hopes that all the major US companies use this as an excuse to push harder for reform on emissions internally.

My impression was since a surgery had been performed at some point in time, the pelvic exam was “probably” (Not the doctor so could not tell you exact reasoning) to see if that had something to do with the UTI symptoms. Improper tissue healing can put a strain on things, and if you tear it you would get a “burning

So two problems with this, one, I think the largest problem I had was that he never “invented” or made a clock. As a kid who actually learned to put shit together to make them do new things, it hurts me that modern America does not seem to get the difference.

So I went ahead and watched some of it and as someone with (almost) a PhD in Biomedical engineering, I have to say, it is a lot heavy handed./

They actually address that later in the season after her death, lots and LOTS of debt.

My car has it’s fair share of mechanical quirks (Previous owner felt the need to add every bolt on mod in existence) but I think the winner was my push to start trunk button.

Clearly there is only one way to really know.

We can, we just need to stop ONLY airing our grievances. I am not going to pretend I like it, but I am also not going to put my fingers in my ears and just say “well I think it is wrong”.

So counterpoint. Trump is the president, and we lost it by the rules that have been around since our country started. Which means as much as we hate it, he is the president fairly.

“In a time before personal computing was ubiquitous, Johnson and her peers were called computers, a term that sounds dehumanizing and mechanical to our modern ears.”

As a scientist I just have to say, I will stop publishing humorous articles when every one of your articles on Giz is exhaustively fact checked for a minimum of several months and then peer reviewed at least twice(by someone you have never met).

Not to be difficult, but the “best and brightest” should be getting a hell of a lot more than median income if that is your goal.

Plastination was made famous by Von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS exhibits, which, since the late ‘90s, have traveled the world revealing the innermost secrets of human lives to the pubic.

As a Cuban who had to leave that country because my family disagreed with the government (Oh it’s okay only my Uncle was shot for it).