
Nope, That is scary short thinking. For the purposes of argument let’s assume that an individual can have children (the mechanism for having kids is pretty robust and we are editing the code, not the package, so chromosomal matches should not be an issue). If the individual has any offspring, the genetics move to

C.T. While I am all for science for science sake, there is merit in that thinking. The divinity of the human form has nothing to do with the fact that that these therapies do have huge ethical concerns. I work in Biotech, and you would be AMAZED how little we really know. We understand the mechanisms, but much of how

First, the research that made this possible is directly being used from the US company that made the technique.

Also to point out I don’t have a problem with MORE research, more data is ALWAYS better. I was saying that they pulled funding because it was a money drain and at the time “ethically questionable”

The links are supporting that IPS and ES cells have large cancer risks. I chose papers from nature because they are easily accessible and tend to be written without uneeded jargon. Papers 1 and 2 cover related efforts, and 3 and 4 cover contemporary work being done abroad on the same topics without much movement.

I am not arguing that at all, I am arguing that your argument that a 8 year lock up on federal funding (not private mind you) shows no knowledge of the science at the time, or the real projections for that science. In short, you fall into that class of people who knows enough science to think they know a lot, and in

sighted*** (It has been a long day)

You did as you said:

You mistake my response. Stem cells (iPS AND Embryonic) are unstable, and a lot of the work done on them ended up creating tumors as a result of lack of control of the differentiation process (1 2 3 and 4). The solution to this is to develop a complimentary technology that allows for cell specific targeting and repair

I was actually working in that field (a lowly intern), and the ban while obnoxious actually came in around the same time it became obvious that the work being done would not lead to meaningful therapies and that it would be better to work on genetic specific therapies. Stem cell work never could work out that whole

It is reasoning like this that cost us the election. I know a bunch of Trump supporters who are NONE of those things, and by putting them in a box and saying “yes well they are all racist, sexist, xenophobes” you basically make it so that there is no conversation. I challenge you to actually talk to one of his

I voted early voting, and this all feels like a strange after the fact fever dream now.....

I actually kind of sympathize with Naryoil, It is TERRIBLE when people add layers of meaning to an excellent stand alone story. Not because it does not add enjoyable complexity (I kind of like the idea), but because it means other less skilled story tellers will rely on interpretation and be sloppy in their own

Those are pretty easy to stop with standard DNS protection. The last few giant ones are due to vulnerabilities due to too many access points. If each person has a dedicated punch in coupled with encryption there is a risk, but not a severe one.

So I am calling bullshit. While yes I totally believe that something “could” happen to the end system, the concept of something happening “en route” is ridiculous. Encryption of any reasonable level can protect for this.

I have bad news for you, you did have plenty to thank him for as he kinda pioneered vaccination work.

You can’t change minds if you can’t argue. By making it about “why should anyone be allowed” you are severely narrowing your viewpoint.

There are a lot more than that, grants are available through both USDA and SBIR programs for starting livestock and farming operations, as well as sustaining and building new farms, and providing coverage for livestock lost due to injury and disease. They also have subsidies to help farmers get into the large animal

That 12 thing is a piece of federal government regulation, and is backed up in EVERY state.

I think my favorite part of this is that you can’t tell my actual tone. Be less defensive, I know how hard farm work is, especially on family farms. That being said, a few things: