
It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”

In regards to “dress how you want to be addressed”:

I am confused. Why would I force a person to play basketball with me if he/she was dressed like a basketball player? Does that happen? Forced basketballery?

The idea that successfully holding down a job and making rent entitles you to complete freedom from perceiving the unhappiness of others is so breathtakingly narcissistic.

“I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”

It sounds crazy, but sometimes I wish they had voluntary debtor’s prison. I am fairly certain I would spend 6 months to a year in jail to wipe out my 6 figure law school debt.

Holy shit, $1500. That’s nothing. Absolutely nothing. If I only had $1500 in student loan debt right now, I’d be dancing naked in the street.

Oh, there’s more than one way to send a message via eggs:

What a strong woman.

The Puritan Backroom is also the name of my Salem Witch Hunt-themed gay sex dungeon.

I feel you. I was for Obama in 08 and felt like HRC supporters didn’t appreciate as a woman I wasn’t all rah rah for her. Now this time around, I like Bernie, but am leaning more for Hillary (her time as Sec. of State made me see her in a new light) but I HATE this sexism from both candidates followers. I really,

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

He added, “It’s time that somebody plays grownup,”

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.

Okay, first: Kudos to the teacher who didn’t attribute the child’s exhaustion to laziness or disrespect. I know that should be a given, but many signs of abuse and neglect are blamed on the child.

That's one badass assistant principal.

This thing needs an indicator light so nobody forgets what position it’s in. I can’t even remember whether the ringer on my phone is on or off.

No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.

So, here’s a crazy idea: when a kid reaches a certain amount of lunch debt, a social worker or school administrator reaches out to the kid’s family to try to find out why: is the kid going to school with lunch money every day and getting it taken on the way to school? Are they just spending it on chips in the morning?