
Good. Let this serve as a reminder that women have always, always fought. Vikings had shield maidens and Shaka Zulu had his all-female body guard. Women dressed as men to join the fight. They take up arms and become rebels and guerillas. In Russia they become bombers and tankers and snipers. In feudal Japan they

Long hair? What? Why?

At the very least, they should have realized that it’s very bad PR to try and recoup the cost. What were they thinking?

I live a mile away from what has to be the most incredible Cinemark theatre in the country. I told both my kids to never give that company money again. Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet. It’s

My eyebrows will never recover from being a teen in the ‘00s.

They “only” make $274? That’s still an utter outrage. And $300 is still too much for $1 worth of medicine and an injector that’s been around for years.

As People reports, an enduring myth that period blood contaminates water leads to warnings against women swimming while menstruating. In fact, some Chinese viewers argued that Fu must have lied about having her period. Swimming with it, they reasoned, would have been impossible. But these reactions only manifest old,

I feel very disinclined to pass judgment on this dude, because it seems like he’s making these products for people who actually practice witchcraft as their religion? That could be my incorrect hot take, but I just feel wrong shitting on this dude for trying to make a (albeit odd) living. As long as he’s not trying to

Sorry to be that person, but there’s no news anywhere on Gawker. There’s an ongoing terrorist attack in Nice, France for the past hour. 60 dead so far, hundreds of wounded.

“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”

How is it that schools can get away with deciding their own justice in criminal matters? Can’t the administrators/teacher or principal who made the decisions be held responsible for subverting justice? Genuinely asking, I have no clue if that’s even a thing in circumstances like these.

I’m glad this is being corrected- the myth of illness as inspiration, not the ear thing- because it’s a cruel lie. He was not propelled to genius by his illness. He was an artistic genius who was severely hampered in his life and art due to his illness, who suffered to death from his illness. There’s nothing romantic

If you were born in the early to mid 80s then you probably watched this show growing up. Then after that you watched reruns on lifetime when you stayed home sick. Also, it's just a really good show, way ahead of its time and funny as hell.

35. Same.

I am 39 years old, neither hipster nor millennial, and LOVE Golden Girls. I watched when it first ran in the 80s and happily watch reruns today. Strong female friendships, especially amongst seniors, were a novelty on TV both then and now. Plus Dorothy is my spirit animal.

Accept your role in what happened, learn from the experience and move on.

Silly question: How is one able to actually trademark “Rio?”

I really, really hope she doesn’t receive any professional penalties from this.

Jezebel underscores the level of badassness she possesses. She didn’t just hide in the bathroom armed with her iron. That iron had a plan! Here is what she intended to do with that iron from another interview: