Easiest Christmas presents the last few years? My kiddos made salts as gifts for our family who cooks. Last year it was jalapeno, mushroom and dill; the year before was citrus, sage/poultry and lavender.
Keychains and nightshirts and clothes for your poodle
Marengo went to John F. Kennedy International Airport to meet the group for the flight home, but security thought he was homeless and made him leave. Being unable to protest, he boarded the subway without a destination.
It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.
Is this an irony test?
Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,
I’m with you so much. Can we all just agree that this whole genre of “men suck at domestic things” is just fucking awful. Like, I am a man. I also like to make sure the kitchen is reasonably clean, and years of living without a dishwasher means I’m 100% okay with washing dishes on my own.
Oregon Trail, 2015 edition: “you have died of bubonic plague”
Little did they know, the lawsuit was coming from inside the house...
Imagine a cop did this to your kid. In fact, imagine anyone did this to your kid.
Good. That’s a start.
Here is my personal reason for why I would have escorted the child over to his mother (I would not have allowed him to walk over to the nail salon by himself because leaving him at my store means that once I realize he’s alone, he’s essentially in my care until I hand him off to another responsible party. Not…
Ugh, AMEN. In the library I used to work at, people would let their kids run wild in the children’s section, literally climbing bookshelves, while they completely ignored them while on the computers. At least there the children’s section was visible from the computer desk (not that it did much good). Years ago, when I…
I just always wondered to myself why I, at the age of 16-22 when I worked at the library, could see what was coming a mile away, most the parents would be blissfully unaware that little Johnny or Jill was making a beeline for operation “pull out half the books”.
I mean that was not my biggest pet peeve, I saved that…
Im a librarian and we will have kids there till close alone. Its a huge bummer, I work in an area with a really high poverty rate and we make sure everyone has done there homework and I give them snacks from my programs to make sure they have at least eaten something till they get home. The really little ones are…
I currently work in one and yeah, it seems even worse these days because in addition to the drop-offs we get people using the computers while leaving their kids to get bored and wander around with nothing to do. (and of course said kids aren't accustomed to being read to or reading themselves, so they can't self…