
Lots of tripping going on in Eastern Europe these days.

They do realize that she wasn’t jailed for living out her Christian faith, right? She was jailed for not doing her fucking job and preventing others from doing theirs as well. How hard is that to understand? Sure, when she was elected she didn’t think she’d have to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples because

Oh, I’m sure this is far from over. That self righteousness flowing through her veins right now is probably burning like battery acid, ready to fuel another inevitable outburst.

I actually think this is a really smart move on the part of the judge. All she has to do to stay out of jail is nothing. It’s going to be hard to look like a martyr if she continues to be an obstacle even after her name is off the licenses.

Wrong India, Columbus.

OK I was not expecting that from the headline. “Hey look at these cool costumes, oh yeah some people got stabbed and stuff but whatever.”

I hope someone adopts both the child and the dog. Poor baby, I can’t believe the mother wasn’t arrested. What a good dog. Probably was just like “No ones gonna feed this human puppy? You should be ashamed of yourselves” lays down to feed the human puppy.

Can you imagine the nuclear-level shitfit some conservatives would have if a liberal clerk refused to issue someone a gun licence because they didn’t like firearms? They’d be furious, and you know, rightly so. People have a right to expect public officials to follow the law, even if they don’t agree with it. If you

I imagine this is what it’s like to work at Snopes.


You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.


I tried this once and then spent the rest of the day waging war against the stabby underwire. It was so pissed off with me that it broke through the barrier. I tossed Stabby McStabs-A-Lot away the second I got home and have never tried to cross my bras again.

I basically babbled. Something along the lines of, “I’m so glad he has such an open minded and loving family, but I’m not a sex worker and I really only know him from the amazing stories my new coworkers tell me. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m sure I would’ve loved him but maybe not that way but maybe that way

So a week after I started this job, a guy who no longer worked at the publication I worked for died in a car accident. I never met him, and he was a copy editor so it wasn’t like I was familiar in any way with him through what he wrote.
But nevertheless, the EOC said everyone needed to go. So I went. And somehow the

She is not doing her job. She does not have a “right” to have her hateful views tolerated. There are plenty of people in need of a job. She needs to be fired now.

I had an internship at a zoo in undergrad, and there was a note left about me one time. I explained that horseshoe crabs were an ancient species and you could see their relatives, the trilobites, in fossils from the Cambrian period. The dad got all huffy and asked how I knew it was “millions of years”, and I responded

I have to disagree, respectfully. For example, when motives are things like extreme politicial or religious beliefs, I think its important to expose exactly what that type of mentality reaps. Out of the horror of the shooting in Charleston, a much-needed conversation happened about “Southern pride” and ”heritage.”

“I am where Mentality has always come from. I am Mentality. I am an athlete. I am a scholar. I am a musician. I am an artist and a maker. I am also a fighter.”