
Grothman said he hears stories about seemingly able-bodied people receiving disability payments, Social Security payments and Food Share benefits.

Vanilla schnapps in hot chocolate is also acceptable in a frozen hellscape... In fact, I think I'll do that tonight...

When I worked at a grocery store in high school, I had an older man throw a jar of peanuts at my head when I was working the cash register. Because I wouldn't let him write his check for more over the amount than was the store policy. Who throws a jar of peanuts at a sixteen year old girl's head who's just doing her

I live in MN, and Kwik Trip still has bagged milk! They have the plastic pitchers to put them in. The problem with them is at a certain point you can accidentally overbalance the thing while snipping the corner or pouring and then you end up splorting milk all over the place if you're clumsy or if you accidentally

You should definitely go for the launching option when you think about it - like your tongue is a catapult!
It's not the comfiest, but there's all sorts of other stuff going on, and the dentist I was able to tolerate (thank you, nitrous oxide) retired this last year so I'd be starting with someone brand new (stranger

I have had six (I think it's six... all were abscessed ones, sometimes a couple of times because I have weird mutant roots, but at least six teeth) root canals, need four crowns, have... five or six broken teeth right now... We have insurance, but it's still a lot of money for all of that, and it would probably end up

Okay I've been lurking for years but the teeth discussion is what finally pulled me in. I grind my teeth at night too - except no matter how many different kinds of mouth guards I've tried, within a few minutes they always make me feel like I'm suffocating (anxiety ftw) >_< With my teeth issues, I'm seriously at the