
I mean Chevy Chase is a shitty racist asshole period, and Joel McHale is dope, but apparently McHale did separate Chase’s shoulder during a boxing scene a few years back I guess. Not gonna lie, mighta done similar.  I overestimate my self control with shitty racist assholes.

Dude I’ve never smoked weed and don’t really plan on, and I can tell you right now you’re the one who gives a shit that much.

the jenkem jamboree is the rainbow party’s lesser known cousin

“you must be high right now”, “your beloved weed”, “cult members”. You don’t gotta be sigmund fucking freud to get that this dude has a problem with pot.

shadowrun for best game music all time, not necessarily in terms of quality but it just sticks wit ya so much. my fave at least.

you up for elaborating on the KvS or will that get u in trouble i wanna know more bout that

I don’t think he needs to explain he’s admired his reputation stands on it’s own, I think he’s bringing it up cause that admiration is what allowed him to do it. (not defending him, just saying he’s bringing it up not to reaffirm his stature but to show that he used it to do it.)

Dang never really thought of that. Yea singling out Emily a dick move, I’ve been really enjoying her Twin Peaks reviews.

Give it up for Emily, she easily just spoiled the Twin Peaks revival’s highest point for at least 100 people probably. I mean on facebook alone there’s 500k likes on the AVclubs page, dunno bout people like me who just come skr8 to the site to read tv reviews.