
I read that one in 3rd grade; I remember having to argue with my teacher about it because she took off points from my written responses to it, thinking that the single-letter names the characters used was laziness on my part.

The idea is anti-urbanist garbage designed to reassure prospective Telsa buyers that the 1950s Motorama dream can live on by magic. Personal automobiles do not belong in or under cities. Electrification (i.e., what Tesla ought to be about) is great, and I’m even n board with automation because humans suck. This

Spark hydrants!

Those were the Omnibots, some of the special mail-away “Reenforcements From Cybertron” that you could only get by collecting the points on the boxes of other Transformers. I got Overdrive, who transformed into a Ferrari 512 Berlinetta Boxer.

CHEVR-(continued on next grill)

Reading between the lines a a bit, I think he’s a religious zealot, hell-bent on being the on the good side of Roko’s basilisk.

They might, but so do others who don’t deserve it, so they’ll happily do without for spite’s sake.

There are, in fact, many, many foldable ebikes! Get pedaling, you!

Because not driving a car is a thing any individual human can decide to do. Converting electricity-generating infrastructure or reforming industry takes a bit more effort from rather a few more people.

Most municipal regulation regimes for these include some sort of per-unit fee, so they are paying to use public space for business, just like cabs and cafes with sidewalk seating. We just need to establish a norm as to where they out to be when not in use - maybe in a corral that used to be a car parking spot.

Funny how people all across northern Europe, which is quite frosty in the winter, ride year-round because their bike infrastructure is decent. If the state of the modern US is illustrative of anything, it’s that once big money wants something - like, say, plowed or defrosted bike lanes - it gets done, for better or

Because sidewalks are more dangerous than bike lanes or taking a regular lane, because drivers will not be looking for you to be there. 

I’d kinda like to use this as a replacement for an increasingly decrepit Nexus 7 we’re using to manage our home audio streaming. Can this cast Google Play Music via a Chromecast Audio group, or can it only receive audio from other devices?

Clearly, this ought to be Soder Cola, the #1 soft drink on Earth-1.

Imperial units are so weird; how many kilofootballpitches (kfp) is that?


Because associating a good thing (an award) with a crummy thing (19th-century racism) tends to tarnish the former. While history can be kept other ways, the reputation of a current entity need not be held hostage by it.

How does changing the name of an award whitewash history? The books she wrote and others about her life still exists by the thousands, as do all the source documents. I don’t think many rely on the name of an award in order to keep history in mind.