
We have a 1st Gen Chromecast that’s become the main conduit for our home media, and I’m considering getting some Chromecast Audios to supplement it in other rooms; I’m curious to see how Google Home integrates with groups, as it might be an all-in-one alternative to getting an Audio + some speakers for small rooms.

As it turns out, the diagram on the site shows a mid-drive with input & output chains, and the spec sheet says it’s a 3-speed + reverse “BFR-HUB” with a coaster brake (and the mouseover tantalizing suggest they have a 7-speed version, too!). It’s probably a planetary gear setup like the S-A, as CSV-like IGH technology

Is that a Sturmey-Archer 3-speed mid-drive? Do they have it set up for 2-wheel drive, or just 1?

With all the measures this administration has taken to make federal workers’ working conditions and compensation better and fairer as a way of setting an example for the private sector, this and the nonsense with the California National Guard enlistment bonuses seem especially strange and unjust.

Sidewalks are for feet; bikes are wheeled vehicles that belong on the road. I suggest you get used to it and stop pitching an entitled hissy fit. Also: don’t swerve around people on bike. Pass them just as you would if they were driving a motorcycle, car, pickup truck, or an 18-wheeler. As road users, they are

One correction: The cast iron dome is painted, but the Texas pink granite that comprises most of the exterior is really quite pink, flecked with black mica and clear quartz.

Ah, The Corinthian!

Indeed it does; a shake of the wrist will make it light up so you can see it in the dark, too. I love the color e-ink display on my Time Steel.

Sabotage? I can’t stand it.

Track stand game: strong.

I came here for this specifically. Well done.

You could have had Drew, but nooooo...

That may be true, but this is among the worst map projections to show it with. Miller Cylindrical or similar, I think.

I’d love for the City of Austin to do muni fiber, but I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in Texas because “socialism.”


Is it possible to know, given the available information, if this planet is likely to be tidally locked?

You wouldn’t even have to send her anywhere; just ask what it’s like on Prox B. After all, there’s never been a planet Janet hasn’t seen.

I’d be so happy for trends like this to suck the money out of the whole endeavor, leading to its reform or death. Either would be fine, as I’m among the apparently very many who don’t watch them.

Giga-W or GTFO.

Radar: have you heard of it?